When you give, your donation helps sustain professional musicians in times of crisis, creates a long term safety net for professional freelance musicians across New England, and allows musicians to continue to make the music we love.

Ways to Give

Make a donation using a credit card here
  • Use Paypal to make a donation, and to setup a recurring donation.

  • Your employer’s matching gift program offers a great opportunity to support even more musicians via the New England Musicians Resource Fund.  

    Charity Navigator allows you to quickly search and verify if your company offers a matching gift program, check now.

  • We welcome a donation that works best for you. To make a charitable donation from a DAF or IRA, please contact your administrator for this giving path. If your administrator uses DAF Direct, go to the DAF Direct link to help facilitate your donation.

  • To transfer securities, please instruct your bank or brokerage to transfer the securities via DTC to:

    Receiving Financial Institution: Fidelity Investments, Inc.

    Receiving Account registration: NEMRF

    Receiving Account Number:  Z40244141DTC Number:  0226

    Please send an email to our Board Treasurer that you will make this transfer, and include the name of the security and the quantity of this planned transfer.

  • Do acknowledge someone who has made an impact in your life, and donate in their honor. We love hearing about who is special in your life!

  • We love receiving mail and welcome a check made payable to:

    New England Musicians Resource Fund

    Send to Address:

    NEMRF, 1337 Massachusetts Ave. #293, Arlington, MA 02476

  • We have set up these funds to support musicians in New England facing an extraordinary medical issue, and when we believe that our current financial relief grant is not enough. Learn more about these musicians and hear their stories:

    Help Michael Sponseller recover from a stroke and donate directly to the Michael Sponseller Fund

    Help Alyssa Daly beat cancer and donate directly to the Alyssa Daly Fund

  • Celebrate your birthday or anniversary by supporting musicians.

    Need some help to get started? Click here for ideas.

    Consider using Facebook fundraiser page or our Paypal Giving portal here to start your fundraiser today. Search for New England Musicians Resource Fund or New England Musicians Relief Fund.

    And, if you commit to raise at least $313 for NEMRF, we will send you a free running tee to add to your wardrobe and to wear on race day.

    Get in touch with Jodi, NEMRF General Manager, to discuss further.

Spread the Word

NEMRF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, EIN: 85-2306066. All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.