Call to Action

Alyssa Daly Fund

Alyssa Daly has been a member of the Boston Musicians Association for over 30 years. She is a 1st call freelance French horn player and has worked with the Boston Ballet, the Boston Philharmonic, the Boston Modern Orchestra Project, and many national Broadway tours in Boston and elsewhere. 

Alyssa was recently diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and is currently undergoing treatment, including radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. Unfortunately, her treatment has prevented her from working, causing significant financial strain on her family. 

Alyssa is the mother to two daughters, Adalyn (13) and Anabel (11), and is married to freelance trumpet player Jay Daly, also a member of the Boston Musicians Association.   

We, at NEMRF, are dedicated to providing support to professional musicians in need. We have established a special "Alyssa Daly Fund" on her behalf. Any donation, regardless of the amount, will go directly to Alyssa to help cover lost wages, medical expenses not covered by insurance, and basic family needs.

Your donation is fully tax deductible.